
A wide variety of food is available at Holiday in Homer, including hamburgers, hot dogs, and sausage. Treats include kettle corn, snow cones, ice cream and so much more. Visit the Homer Elks tent, located next to the bandstand, all day, (9am – 4pm) for hot dogs, hamburgers, sausage, and salt potatoes.

Homer Congregational Food Tent

The BEST BBQ! Do not miss out… we sell out every year

Pulled Pork Sandwich
Chips and drinks — all under the same tent with ice cream and shortcake 
Fried dough

Byrne Dairy Ice Cream

Byrne Dairy Ice Cream! 
Strawberry Shortcake 
Strawberry Sundaes
Brownie Sundaes

Homer Elks Food Tent   

Hot dogs 
Hot Sausage and Peppers 
Salt potatoes 

LuLu’s Famous Kettle Corn

Smoothies, pretzels, and so much more